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Spring Is Here! But Don't Let Your Furries Smell All The Flowers.

Here is a partial list of toxic plants and flowers commonly found in homes and gardens, so you can help your furry friends avoid them:

Lilies: Lilies from the Lilium or Hemerocallis species can be lethal to cats. To avoid injury or illness, keep these flowers out of your home. Even small exposures to pollen from these flowers can cause kidney failure or even death in cats.

The following are a few common and botanical names of toxic lily plants:

  • Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum)

  • Japanese Lily (Lillium speciosum)

  • Oriental Lily Hybrids (Lilium spp.)

  • Stargazer Lily (Lilium orientalis ‘Stargazer’)

  • Casa Blanca Lily (Lilium orientalis ‘Casa Blanca’)

  • Tiger Lily (Lilium lancifolium)

  • Daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.)

Sago Palms (Cycas revoluta): Sago palms are common home and landscaping plants that are very toxic to dogs and cats with even small exposures. All parts of the plant are toxic, with the seeds being most concentrated and dangerous.

Tulips (Tulipa spp.): Tulips and tulip bulbs are toxic to dogs, cats and horses.

Oleander (Nerium oleander)Oleander are beautiful shrubs often used in landscaping, but for dogs, cats and horses, they carry the risk of causing serious heart problems.

Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale): It is important to differentiate autumn crocuses from other types of crocuses, as the autumn crocus is extremely toxic to dogs, cats and horses with even small ingestions. Ingestion can cause severe stomach upset, heart problems, liver failure, kidney failure and issues with abnormal bleeding and bone marrow function.

For an exhaustive list of toxic and non-toxic plants, check out ASPCA's list here.

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